Coordinator: MarineTraffic Operations Ltd operates MarineTraffic, the world’s leading platform offering vessel tracking services and actionable maritime intelligence. MarineTraffic is an end-to-end service that tracks vessel positions, based mainly on the Automatic Identification System (AIS), and displays them on the map at real-time. The AIS data is collected from MarineTraffic’s own receivers’ network, comprising of over 2,000 coastal AIS stations around the globe, the world’s largest proprietary AIS network. At any given time, MarineTraffic is tracking over 180,000 vessels at real- time with 250,000 vessels reporting daily. With its Big Data infrastructure, MarineTraffic receives hundreds of millions of vessel positions daily and archives billions of records. |
The School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, the oldest engineering school in the country and alma mater to all other engineering Schools, has played a protagonist role in the scientific, technical and economic development of the country during its many years of operation. Since the 19th century, in turbulent or tranquil periods in recent Greek history, the School’s graduates have been a solid reference and bedrock of the construction and reconstruction of the country and its infrastructures. The School’s graduates are not limited by the borders of the country and often leave their mark on world scientific and technological developments. Teaching staff and students are actively involved in the global production of new knowledge. As a result of the great quality of work by professors, undergraduate and postgraduate students, in recent years, the School finds itself highly positioned in International School rankings – for example, eighth amongst European Civil Engineering Schools according to QS organization. |
Civil Engineering School is one of the 41 Departments of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the biggest academic establishment in Greece. It belongs to the Faculty of Engineering, which comprises of 8 Schools, among which Civil Engineering School is the oldest and largest, in terms of staff, building infrastructure and number of students.The Department of Civil Engineering, established in October 1955, is the oldest department within the Faculty of Engineering. In its initial stages, it constituted of 14 chairs, not all staffed from the beginning. In the years followed, new chairs were added, in accordance with the planning of the Faculty and the requirements of the study programmes, while the number of teaching staff increased and the department advanced on a self-reliant course, also offering its help to the new departments within the Faculty.